Monday, March 14, 2011

"inspiration is for amateurs."

did you know amateur means "lover of" in french? i didn't.. just found that out on wikipedia because i googled amateur to check if i spelled it correctly. i did, just fyi.

not sure how my title relates to this post. i suppose it does since i have been feeling a bit uninspired as of late.. not that i normally feel particular inspired or anything. or i've just been lazy. i guess inspiration is for amateurs, and this post just serves to accentuate my currently uninspiring/lazy lifestyle because there's nothing better than comparing your current life to the your much more exciting past life. just kidding! i just had an incredible meal at brooklyn fare, except i accidentally called cesar ramirez's scallop "too seafood-y" (and he heard me! and glared at me!) so many failures these weekend.. (upcoming post?) haha, so life's just different. it's so strange to see how much it has changed in a little more than two and a half years. not much i can/would/could/should change, i think, but i guess i wish i didn't abandon photography for all that time. oh well, i didn't have much to photograph except for empty notebooks and cheap beer.

yes, i know i'm wordy.

anyway, i wish i didn't fuck up the first picture back in the day in iphoto. i didn't know any better, and i thought it looked cool (i still think it does a little bit haha). whoops, too lazy to try to fix it now.. haha, sensing a theme? i promise to be more exciting in my next post. maybe.

 life in october 2008.
life in march 2011.

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