Saturday, March 26, 2011

a day out with the holga lens in new jersey.

here is the story (but really just a haphazard collection of images) of my first day out with my new holga lens for the dslr. i really need to learn more about it.. seeing as i just googled it and found out that it's a fixed 60mm/f8 lens. hmm, probably would've been good to know that during the day. i only figured out that i could change my ISO around 3pm. oh well, i still have to figure out how to focus the the images (the holga lens' ruler ranges from one person to a bunch of people.. to a mountain.. and i'm supposed to figure out distance from that.) whatever, that's my disclaimer since all of these pictures are straight out of the camera. no editing since the holga lens' distorts the pic enough as is and because i'm tired. but mostly because i'm tired.

more testing.. still didn't know i could change the ISO..
obviously this lens requires a lotttt of light. luckily, today was extremely sunny, and i was able to take rocco out to the dog park for the first time with some very inappropriately dressed people/dumbasses. it was 32 degrees out and extremely windy. one was dressed in a thin blazer, knee-length cotton dress, and tights, and the other in a thin sweater and jeans. of course, i snapped away in my winter jacket and sweats.

nervous puppy.. he didn't want to play with the other dogs.. 
extremely staged picture of rocco socializing with other dogs. he probably ran away two seconds after this picture was taken.
loneeeely puppehhhhh.... :(
surburbia 1.. "farm with no cows"
suburbia 2.. "dirt mound"
suburbia 3.. "lonely tree"
like my titles? i was trying to keep up with the hipster holga/minimalism-but-not-thus-ironic theme. ok, i just made that up. i'm not very creative.. but anyway, east brunswick is not as desolate as i made these it out to be in these pictures. i'm not even sure if the first place is a farm, but this is probably the only open plot of land left in this little over-developed town of mine. every other acre of land has pretty much been bought out by developers (they're a little slow to adjust to the economy here.. i kid.)

if you can't tell, i really liked taking pictures of trees with this lens. empty, barren trees.. i guess that they forgot it's spring!! but then again so did i. this weather is reeeeee-deek-cue-luss.

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