Monday, April 11, 2011

top 10 reasons i know i love my puppy.

1. i probably say "i wuv you wacco" at least 20 times a day. yes, in a baby voice. you know how it is. i think any girl that's ever accosted rocco in the street (and there have been many) reverts to the highest voice in their vocal range.
2. i don't get jealous by the other girls that give him attention, butonlybecausehelovesmethemost.
3. i'm okay with the fact that he left a shit stain on my pillow. true story, it happened when i came back from work today.
4. i skip the gym to be back that much earlier to be with my puppy. seriously. huuuge sacrifice. a sacrifice i've been willing to make consistently for the past two months.
5. for the most part, i always share my food with him. i couldn't say that about anyone/anything else in my life.. ever.
6. i make up excuses for the ('love') bites/scratches he gives me.. "what happened to your arm?" "oh, i walked into the door." "oh, again?" sad part is that the latter scenario is also entirely plausible and probably half true any given morning. if you didn't get the former part of this joke, then you are a good person or i make lame jokes.
7. he would be the first thing i grab from the apartment in case of an emergency. blackberry and macbook are second and third, respectively. yup, i would take him before my bb!
8. because he loves me! :)
9. and how do you not love the cutest puppy in the world?
10. umm i'm sure there's more.. buttt he's on my macbook and ready to play!

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