Thursday, February 17, 2011

the cookie blog that wasn't.

banana peel hot chocolate [city bakery] / assorted boylan sodas

i initially wanted to start a cookie blog to document my one true love, cookies! then have the blog picked up by saveur/gourmet/food&wine magazine and roll in the $$$ because we all know that bloggers are moneymakers. i made some serious headway into trying the best cookies in the city, but who would remember to whip out their phone to snap a quick pic? the cookie is gone, and my hands are usually buttered and chocolatey at that point. ordinarily, i would've restarted my cookie odyssey, but abnormally snowy weather set in and a subway fare hike got it the way. whoever said love conquers all obviously didn't have to deal with nyc slush and expensive, unreliable nyc transit. so i guess my inaugural blog post shall be dedicated to my undying love of all things sweet. if there's one thing that anyone knows about me, it's that i eat an unconscionable amount of baked goods. cookies, muffins, cupcakes, croissants, brownies, etc. are always fair game for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner, all day, every day. this is especially helpful when i'm eating on a budget (like now). there is no better value for your money per calorie.. except maybe for bagels. it's truly unfortunate that my baking abilities are not on par with my consumption abilities. i can't even imagine the amount of money i could save baking cookies en masse..

it definitely felt like an awkward first date writing (and rewriting) my first entry, so i'm just gonna get this over this and keep it short and sweet.

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